Keto Meal Plan - One Day of Keto

Keto diets are a great way to lose weight by having a low-to-no carb diet. But wait - how will I have a diet that has no bread?! No rice?! No pasta?!

Don't worry. It's not as hard as it seems. Muscle Protein has got a plan for you! Follow this plan regularly or as a way to try out the keto diet and see if it's for you. 



Muscle Protein Whey - Power shake



A handful of nuts



Smoked salmon plate 

  • With spinach, a wedge of lime and a dollop of cream
  • Drizzle olive oil and season with salt and pepper



Muscle Protein Whey - Power shake



Keto Chicken Quesadilla 



Stevia sweetened dark chocolate


 Try out our meal plan today with Muscle Protein!

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