Tips & Tricks

  • How To Get Motivation

    When you lose motivation, it feels impossible to get back into staying active. We've got the solution for you! Getting motivation back has never been easier.
  • Why Do You Need Protein?

    The big P word. What does Protein actually mean and why do you need protein?
  • Fun Ways To Exercise (That Doesn't Feel Like Exercise!)

    Sometimes exercise gets repetitive and boring. But it doesn't have to be! Here's a list of different ways to do cardio and strength training that are just fun ways to exercise!
  • Making The Perfect Protein Shake

    To get the best out of your supplements, you need to take them consistently. One of the biggest challenges to this consistency can sometimes be the...
  • Why You Should Snack

    What's the deal with snacking? Do we need to do it? We say yes! Find out here about why you should snack and how it is beneficial to you.
  • What, why and how of Creatine Monohydrate?

    With all the terms and big words that the fitness industry spouts, how do we know what things are, such as what is Creatine? Here is why creatine is beneficial to the body and why you need it.
  • Why Muscle Protein Choose Organic Stevia To Sweeten Our Products

    What is Stevia Extract? There are so many health benefits of Stevia including ability to aid in weight loss, lower blood pressure, control diabetes...
  • Keto Meal Plan - One Day of Keto

    Want to try a keto diet but have no clue how to start? Let Muscle Protein help you out with a delicious, easy to make and follow Keto diet plan.
  • Ketogenic Diet = Fat Loss 🤔

    You've probably heard about the "Keto Diet" online, from friends and family or maybe even seen some of the documentaries on Netflix about it. But w...
  • How Fat Loss Works with Muscle Protein

    What is fat-loss and how does it work for your body? Muscle Protein's got the solution for you! Read up here on what fat-loss is and how to achieve it.
  • The Benefits to Regular Exercise

    Regular exercise is a great way to feel better and become more active in your day-to-day life. But what does regular exercise actually do for you? Find out here! 
  • Platinum WPI vs Power WPC - What's the Difference?

    What's the difference between Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) and Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)?

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